Chromosome Analysis, Blood
Understanding Chromosome Analysis, Blood
What is Chromosome Analysis, Blood?
Chromosome analysis, also known as karyotyping, is done to determine the genetic cause behind the abnormalities in fetus (cognitive disabilities and retarted growth), multiple miscarriages, infertility, and cancer. Chromosomes are thread-like structures which constitute the DNA and genetic makeup of an individual. Humans have a total of 46 chromosomes present as 23 pairs. If you have an anomaly in the number, size or shape of your chromosomes, this can point to a genetic disease.
Your doctor may recommend this test if your baby has signs of a genetic disorder or if you've had difficulty getting pregnant or have had recurrent miscarriages. This test may also be useful if you have had been diagnosed or have symptoms of leukemia, lymphoma, or a certain type of anemia.
What is Chromosome Analysis, Blood used for?
The Chromosome Analysis, Blood test is done:
In case the pregnancy tests are abnormal
In case of signs of chromosome abnormality disorder
To detect chromosomal abnormality in a person or a specific abnormality in family members
In case a person has lymphoma or leukemia or myeloma or myelodysplasia or another cancer
In case there is suspicion of acquired chromosome abnormality
Answers to Patient Concerns & Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Chromosome Analysis, Blood
Frequently Asked Questions about Chromosome Analysis, Blood
Q. What are some chromosomal disorders that may be detected by Chromosomal Analysis, Blood test?
Q. How are chromosomal abnormalities interpreted?
Q. What is Down's syndrome?
Q. Is there any risk associated with the withdrawal of blood sample procedure?
Q. How is the blood sample taken?
Q. What is Trisomy 18?
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