Liver cancer

Description of Liver cancer

The liver is the largest organ of the body. It helps the body digest food, store energy, and remove toxins. Primary liver cancer starts in the liver whereas, in case of metastatic liver cancer, cancer spreads across.
Causes and Risk Factors 
Causes and risk factors for primary liver cancer include:
1. Having hepatitis B or C
2. Heavy alcohol use
3. Having cirrhosis, or scarring of the liver
4. Having hemochromatosis, an iron storage disease
5. Obesity and diabetes
Signs and Symptoms
Common symptoms may include:
1. Lump or pain on the right side of the abdomen
2. Yellowing of the skin
Treatment options include:
1. Surgery
2. Radiation
3. Chemotherapy 
4. Liver transplantation
NIH: National Cancer Institute
Content Details
Last updated on:
04 Sep 2017 | 10:11 AM (IST)
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